Tuesday 26 August 2014

The Prognosis of Advanced Stage Mesothelioma

There is an array of features in the advancement of a patient's mesothelioma prognosis and specific variations in these features may have a significant impact on the development of the disease. The statistical models used in mesothelioma usually overlook the exceptional differences between a patient's prognosis or diagnosis and how the cancer actually influences the patient's life.
Similar to other types of cancer, staging is essential to determine the prognosis of mesothelioma. Although, statistical data for mesothelioma are quite difficult to find and the data currently existing today are unreliable. Early diagnosis and treatment of mesothelioma is imperative for a favorable prognosis. One problem is that mesothelioma is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage, thus the five year survival rate is statistically often unreliable. Stage IV mesothelioma cancer has distant organ metastasis and is untreatable at this stage thus giving it a poor prognosis. Treatment at this terminal stage usually consists of pain management and supportive care.
Mesothelioma's latency period is usually about 10 to 30 years with symptoms such as breathing problems and a decrease of lung elasticity. For approximately two thirds of mesothelioma patients, pleural and peritoneal effusion is a main symptomatic problem. For stage II mesothelioma patients, single agent and combined chemotherapy have resulted in increased response rates, although causing higher levels of toxicity. Also, there is minimal evidence of which combination treatments results in longer survival or better control of the symptoms.
The diagnostic procedure of malignant mesothelioma starts with a systematic medical history to record the patient's symptoms and any possible exposure to asbestos, continued with a thorough physical examination. Diagnosis is continued with additional examinations such as chest or abdominal X-ray, computed tomography scan (CT scan) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). One important aspect to consider is that signs and symptoms of mesothelioma are quite similar to other cancers and lung diseases.
The level of symptomatic severity varies for each individual, although in a majority of cases the development of Pleural Mesothelioma is quite slow with symptoms localized in the chest such as chest pain. At times, the chest pain is accompanied by severe breathing problems or shortness of breath. Symptoms such as breathlessness, coughing, and chest pain shows advancement of asbestosis and this usually causes the sufferer to seek medical care. After taking the patient's history and general physical examinations, the physician will usually order chest imaging studies such as X-rays, MRI, CT scan to assess the lungs.
Patients suffering from mesothelioma have symptoms similar to other lung diseases which the physician may not even think to be correlated to asbestos let alone malignant mesothelioma. Usually, malignant mesothelioma develops within 10 to 30 years and during this period of latency patients suffering from this disease may have minimal to no symptoms. Several of these signs and symptoms develop in an advanced stage of the cancer which maybe accompanied with distant metastasis to other organs of the body. Men have a higher risk to develop this disease and the risk increases with age.
Although surgery is quite successful for palliative control of the symptoms, it only has a minimal effect on the median survival rate since it is a radical form of treatment. Pleurectomy or decortications can be done to alleviate the symptoms in pleural mesothelioma. Several other procedures, like thoracentesis can be done to drain pleural effusion and prevent them from recurring. Extrapleural pneumonectomy which is known as a radical treatment approach will have an average survival rate of approximately 15-24 months.

Holding Manufacturers Financially Liable for Mesothelioma

"Cancer" is a scary word, but a diagnosis of mesothelioma cancer is particularly difficult because the disease is considered incurable. What's worse, many people suffering from mesothelioma were exposed to the substance that can cause it - asbestos - on the job. And in many cases, companies knew about the dangers of asbestos and did nothing to warn workers.
What Did They Know?
Asbestos is a silicate mineral used in manufacturing due to its strength and resistance to heat and fire. When inhaled, asbestos fibers can get inside the membrane that lines the lung cavity, among other tissues. This can cause cells to divide abnormally, and the result is cancer. Another complication from asbestos exposure is asbestosis, which results when the lungs have become scarred from the inhalation of asbestos, resulting in breathing difficulties. The effects of asbestos exposure can't be reversed; symptoms can only be managed.
As early as 1937, the American Petroleum Institute wrote a document warning about the dangers of industrial dust. Most manufacturers apparently didn't care. Even the government failed to act until 1972, when the Occupational Health and Safety Administration enacted asbestos safety rules. Meanwhile, people who worked in industries like insulation manufacturing, shipbuilding, refining, construction and mining were exposed to asbestos on a daily basis.
Most often, people who develop this type of cancer get pleural mesothelioma, in which tumors grow along the lining of the pleural cavity that holds the lungs. It's a particularly painful disease because tumors eventually press on the lungs, kicking off the effects of pleural effusion, wherein fluid rushes to the area. Other times, people develop mesothelioma in the lining around the heart (pericardial mesothelioma) or the stomach (peritoneal mesothelioma). No matter the location, the prognosis of mesothelioma is the same: it will ultimately kill you.
Making Manufacturers Pay
In the last decade, mesothelioma patients and their families have sought to bring employers who knew about the danger to justice through legal action resulting in monetary settlements. Money will never restore a terminal cancer patient to health or bring back a lost loved one, but it helps pay bills and lost wages and sends the message that big business isn't above the law. The good news is that many mesothelioma victims have received settlements ranging in the tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars from major corporations in steel, oil and other industries.
It's in large part because of mesothelioma lawsuits and their related investigations that proof has come to light about companies' knowledge of asbestos dangers. It's been shown that, rather than correcting the problem and protecting their employees, many companies chose to look the other way in the name of profit. They are now paying for that negligence to the tune of millions of dollars.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer, it is a good idea to consult a personal injury lawyer, such as a Seattle, New Jersey or Pensacola personal injury lawyer, regarding the possibility of financial compensation.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Understanding a Mesothelioma Prognosis

A mesothelioma prognosis can range for a variety of different patients. Some may experience difficult prognosis and others may receive better and more positive news. Either way, mesothelioma remains a very serious disease that comes with a high fatality rate. This is why legal action against those that place people at risk to contracting mesothelioma is so aggressive.
Mesothelioma derives from exposure to asbestos which was commonly found in pipes in prior generations. At the time, it was not considered a harmful substance. Over the past two decades, the fact that exposure to asbestos can cause cancer was revealed. As a result, building owners have a responsibility to have asbestos detected and removed. Sadly, this does not always happen which leads to the unfortunate issue of those exposed suffering from this horrific form of cancer. Once a diagnosis has been made, the patient then needs to seek treatment.
Mesothelioma prognosis occurs immediately after the patient learns that he/she has the disease. A prognosis can be considered an overview of what the cancer will do in the body. The prognosis of what the course the cancer will follow will be dependent on many factors. Obviously, these factors will play a large role in whether or not the prognosis is a good or bad one.
One factor that can potentially impact whether or not the prognosis is positive will be early detection. The longer it takes for the cancer to be detected, the worse the prognosis will generally be. This is because the cancer will continue to spread if it is not detected and treatment starts. If the cancer has not spread significantly then the ability to treat it is enhanced. This is why those that feel they have been exposed to asbestos need to take immediate action and contact their physician for a complete examination.
Detection of mesothelioma will also entail determining where the cancer actually is. If the tumor is located in one area of the body, it may be likely that it can be surgically removed. If the tumors are spreading throughout the body then surgery could prove complicated or potentially impossible.
Once the cancer has been detected, the stage the cancer is in will be determined. There are four stages in a mesothelioma prognosis with stages three and four being the more severe and advanced. Anyone that is currently in such a stage would have a difficult time beating the cancer. Conversely, those that catch the condition early enough may be able to take steps needed to send the cancer in remission.
Again, this is why early detection is so important when discussing the prognosis of the mesothelioma. If the cancer can be caught in the very early stages, survival rate increases. Yet, no matter how early the cancer is detected, it will always remain life threatening with no guarantees the treatment will work. Such information is not presented to be downbeat. It is mentioned to explain the severity of the disease so that anyone that may have been exposed to asbestos understand the necessity of seeking a proper diagnosis from a physician.
The patient's overall health will play a role in the prognosis. This is not to say a person can be so healthy that the treatment will be "easier." However, a healthy person will have a stronger immune system and will be able to handle the treatment needed to deal with the cancer. Surviving mesothelioma is not easy. Some may find that survival of five years or so is the maximum they can achieve. Again, the individual's overall health will play a factor in the ability to handle the treatment.
Those that have been exposed to asbestos through negligence and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma should explore their legal options. The reason for this is there are a lot of costs associated with mesothelioma treatment along with great financial strain due to the inability to work when dealing with such cancer. A qualified attorney with experience handling mesothelioma cases would be the best professional to work with in such a situation.
A mesothelioma prognosis is a serious one. It requires immediate medical treatment and should also include the search for proper legal representation. Doing so makes the ability to deal with the condition more tolerable.
Leigh White invites you to check out her site about Mesothelioma Compensation Resources where she is working on more articles like this one about Mesothelioma Prognosis News.